Trash display - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Trash display

Shortcuts to the True Trail

Run #1366 - Wednesday 31 January 2018
  • Destination: Skranevannet
  • Hares: Guinea Pig and Headless
  • In the pack: Foggy Glasses, Abominator, Flasher, Comes Every Time, Deep Throat, Dog Handler, Mata Hari, Camp Toilet, Bubbles, Muff Diver, Hara Kari, Bambi, Teacher's Pet, Check Me Out, Hash Cock, Nutz, Tweeny, Groupie and Viking Vixen
  • Your scribe: Foggy Glasses

Run #1366 was the 2018 A.G.M. run. With the promise of free nosh and booze, a large pack turned up at the G.M.'s abode in time for the run.

The G.M. had promised a short run because the A.G.M. agenda was quite long, but ON-OUT was called slightly behind schedule due to late in-coming hashers. The trail took us through dark forests and along familiar roads before heading the "wrong" way around Skranevannet. The hares had found a sheltered area for the drink-stop in case of rain, but as the weather had cleared up during the run, the drink-stop was move to the "traditional" spot.

After the drink-stop, the ON-INN was quickly found and the pack headed back to the hare's abode for the circle, where the "normal" misdemeanours were punished.

The nosh prepared by the GM and wine served by Flasher, was superb. After the nosh, the A.G.M. was completed without any drama: accounts were not completed and promised within a couple of days, dates for BH3 weekends set, tasks for the up-cummin' Killer Hill settled and mismanagement erected. There was one change to the mis-management where Hara Kari took over as Ice Mistress from Dr Butt. Check HERE for the 2018 Mis-management.

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