Hasher's detailed statistics - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Hasher's detailed statistics

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Picture of Likk'mm Likk'mm
Home kennel: B.I.T.CH H3
Status: Visitor
* P.k.a.: Likk’mm
First BH3 run: #159 - 4 August 1999
BH3 runs: 15
Hare: 1
(* P.k.a. = Previously known as)

15) 5 Jun 2011 934 Nygårdshøyden15th Killer Hill Weekend - Thirsty Thursday Xtra Run
14) 5 Jun 2011 933 Grimseid15th Killer Hill Weekend - Hangover run
13) 4 Jun 2011 932 Fløyfjellet15th Killer Hill Weekend
12) 3 Jun 2011 931 Sverresborg15th Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl
11) 18 Aug 2010 880 FlatøyFlip-Flop's 50th run
10) 27 May 2007 670 Grimseid11th Killer Hill Weekend - Hangover run and Swiss Bubbles' 200th run
9) 26 May 2007 669 Rundemanen11th Killer Hill Weekend
8) 25 May 2007 668 Nordnes11th Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl and Little Oral Mary's 50th run
7) 30 May 2004 472 Alvøen8th Killer Hill Weekend - Hangover run and More For Less' 100th run
6) 29 May 2004 471 Fløyfjellet8th Killer Hill Weekend
5) 28 May 2004 470 Vetrlidsalmenningen8th Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl
4) 26 May 2002 343 Alvøen6th Killer Hill Weekend - Hangover run
3) 25 May 2002 342 Sandviksfjellet6th Killer Hill Weekend
2) 24 May 2002 341 Bergen City Centre6th Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl - Joint BH3-Scandihooligan Run
1) 4 Aug 1999 159 Eidsvåg

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