Hasher's detailed statistics - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Hasher's detailed statistics

Picture of Ugly Dick Ugly Dick
Home kennel: Porsgrunn-Skien H3
Status: Visitor
First BH3 run: #160 - 11 August 1999
BH3 runs: 162
Hare: 25
Positions: Haber Hasher #187 - #449

This is a special version of the runs list and ONLY includes runs from Killer Hill Weekends!

149) 25 May 2003 407 Alvøen7th Killer Hill Weekend - Hangover run
148) 24 May 2003 406 Ulriken7th Killer Hill Weekend - Pump Me's 69th run
147) 23 May 2003 405 Sandviken7th Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl
132) 26 May 2002 343 Alvøen6th Killer Hill Weekend - Hangover run
131) 25 May 2002 342 Sandviksfjellet6th Killer Hill Weekend
130) 24 May 2002 341 Bergen City Centre6th Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl - Joint BH3-Scandihooligan Run
86) 20 May 2001 272 Midttunhaugen5th Killer Hill Weekend - Hangover run
85) 19 May 2001 271 Damsgårdsfjellet5th Killer Hill Weekend
84) 18 May 2001 270 Bergen City Centre5th Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl
44) 21 May 2000 209 Midttun4th Killer Hill Weekend - Hangover run and Beer Stop's 100th run
43) 20 May 2000 208 Rundemanen4th Killer Hill Weekend
42) 19 May 2000 207 Bergen City Centre4th Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl and Mata Hari's 50th run

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