Hasher's detailed statistics - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Hasher's detailed statistics

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Picture of Make it Qick it's Raining Make it Qick it's Raining
Home kennel: Oslo H3
Status: Visitor
* P.k.a.: Make it Qick it’s Raining
First BH3 run: #1624 - 27 May 2022
BH3 runs: 3
(* P.k.a. = Previously known as)

3) 29 May 2022 1627 Grimseid24th Killer Hill - Hangover Run
2) 28 May 2022 1625 Lyderhorn24th Killer Hill - Lyderhorn
1) 27 May 2022 1624 Down Town Bergen24th Killer Hill - Pubcrawl

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