Hasher's detailed statistics - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Hasher's detailed statistics

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Picture of Just Jane Just Jane
Status: Guest
First BH3 run: #1580 - 1 September 2021
BH3 runs: 8
Hare: 1

8) 27 Oct 2021 1590 Abode - Hara KariFoggy Glasses' 1400th run
7) 20 Oct 2021 1589 Abode - Teacher's Pet & Viking Vixen
6) 6 Oct 2021 1587 Arboretet
5) 29 Sep 2021 1586 Abode - A Nutella & Confusius
4) 22 Sep 2021 1585 Paradis
3) 15 Sep 2021 1584 Abode - Cunning Linguist BH3
2) 8 Sep 2021 1583 Bergen City Centre
1) 1 Sep 2021 1580 Abode - Flasher/Groupie

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