Time Warp - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Time Warp

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Welcome to the BH3 Time Warp!

You can either view slideshows with ALL BH3 images (from all runs and all events), ALL BH3 EVENTS (images from all events), ALL RUNS (one image per run) or from any single BH3 event. Each image is displayed for approx. 6 seconds and the estimated total lengths of the slideshows are displayed in parenthesis after the link to each slideshow (h:m:s).

Slideshows stop if you click or swipe images, and are started again by clicking the "Restart slideshow" button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Tap any button below to head for the slideshow you are desirous of viewing.

Slideshows from all runs and events
START ALL BH3 events and runs (10744 images @ 17:54:24)
START ALL BH3 events (9157 images @ 15:15:42)
START ALL BH3 runs (1587 images @ 02:38:42)

Slideshows from individual BH3 events
START Killer Hill (2522 images @ 04:12:12)
START Red Dress run (420 images @ 00:42:00)
START Ski Hash (743 images @ 01:14:18)
START Scuba Hash (898 images @ 01:29:48)
START Mjølfjell Hash (549 images @ 00:54:54)
START Kjepso Hash (308 images @ 00:30:48)
START Kuli Hash (42 images @ 00:04:12)
START BH3 Belgian Hash (72 images @ 00:07:12)
START Bjorøy Hash (435 images @ 00:43:30)
START Midnight Sun Hash (83 images @ 00:08:18)
START Bømlo Hash (124 images @ 00:12:24)
START North Sea Hash (44 images @ 00:04:24)

Slideshow from BH3 web site
START Web Site Slideshow

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